Having watched YouTube beauty vloggers now nearing on 6 years I've come to lose interest a little in the whole fandom of it all. Give me a thrilling drama or romance film any day! Although don't get me wrong YouTube will always be there to help with boredom filling up time, its just not something i completely obsess over anymore.
However when news comes to light that these self made incredible internet sensations make merchandise & products to sell in your high street or in local supermarkets, that's what dreams are made of right?
I've bought a few pieces from said various collections nothing of which really stands out, they contain mediocre formulas, neither here or there original contributions, nevertheless it is just the paper wrapped outing with in your face branding that has enticed the likes of me and you to purchase these items.
Not forgetting the predictable pre-teens who worship anything along with everything there idols do.
Don't get me wrong if i had the opportunity to produce something of my own to see it on shelf's where i shop, i would defiantly not think twice about it but having so many months, to complete something, well it all seems a little rushed to me, like they say if somethings worth doing, do it well take time and it will reflect in your work.
Honest opinions are not always welcome anyhow lets get back to why your here.
This is my review comparing the new releases from Tanya Burr | Love Tanya & The Glam Guide by Fleur De Force.
Both books aim to give tips on all things beauty, fashion as well as life eventualities mixed together with much more.
Judging By Their Covers
Always remember the truth, don't judge purely on appearance, on this occasion though an exception can be made (just this once.) I much prefer Tanya's book, its hard backed meaning page comers won't ruin, its textured, fresh and screams chic beauty which is right up my street.
On the other hand Fleur's book seems a bit more text book nature'd playing it slightly too safe alongside out of place images.
Love Tanya
Upon my first glace Love Tanya is very much a book in the sense you are inundated with endless block text.
The font is curved cute and has pink hearts for extra detailing.
As for images, the sizes of them are inconsistent throughout the whole book layered abundantly, there's pictures which have no relevance to particular chapters but something that certainly has me baffled, why are the majority taken from the likes of blog posts already published even Instagram?
The beauty as well as the fashion aspect of the book is comparable to her videos which would include monthly favorites, and pamper videos, hauls even vlogs it really doesn't offer me anything appealingly different to what you've already viewed, it just means your now £7 out of pocket.
If your looking for a self centered 'not an autobiography' but seems a lot like one kinda book with no remotely new or exciting content then this is the one for you.
It does dive deeper into Tanya's life, personal experiences and much more which takes a lot for someone to tell, or admit, but again unless you want to know every little detail about an online personality only you or me know something about, this book is pointless. Its not going to sell to your average women shopper in her late 20's is it?
Uninviting are the page borders mixed with elongated explanations on how to do this or that, from a reader of books a lover of beauty, fashion and the wondercoloured bits in between, this book is so not worth it.
Overall Rating | 4/10
The Glam Guide
With that outta the way a book which deserves so much more recognition than it already has is The Glam Guide by Fleur De Force. From front to back this book fits the description perfectly the text is bearable, short, sweet but most importantly straight to the point.
Looking at expressive chapters its full of informative useful tips which will certainly guide any beauty or fashion lover in the right direction.
It includes easy to follow tips, tricks d-i-y recipes all beautifully presented in a consistent colour scheme, blended with a variety of diagrams or relative illustrations added together with images giving a more personal touch.
This is definitely something that is thorough from the outset giving you informative experiences which doesn't completely revolve around Fleur herself meaning its more relatable to the likes of you, even me.
From everything to life issues, personal touches this book is in my opinion suitable for beginners, beauty lovers also for professionals looking for an easy refreshing read.
The little extras make the biggest difference even top secret tips can help with starting your very own blog.
Its been an great read so far!
Overall Rating | 8.5/10